Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Resuming with Blogger and the name change

For those of you that know me and know that this is my third blog address in less than a year... I thank you for sticking with it. 

Being here in China makes certain things difficult that I never would have expected. One of those things is writing a blog. I started my SixMonthsinShanghai blog not realizing that it would later be blocked in China, making it insanely difficult to update. So I started a weblog blog... which basically sucked. Weblog doesn't allow comments and the interface is strange and just not great. Well... China has now unblocked many blogger blogs, and so I can now post to Blogger so I am trying it again.

This is actually my same blog, but I changed the title and the domain name because I would like to be able to continue this blog even after I return to the States. If you missed my other blog... well you didn't miss much. If you really want to you can still check it out at 

Now... What's with the new name? Well, funny things happen all the time here in China, and I know that they happen back home too. Either I read something, see something or experience something that is funny or interesting or just noteworthy. I want to start blogging about these things, whether they warrant one line or one page. Hence, the Daily Snippets and Long Stories. I will also be filling in the spaces with things about my life and other things that I see fit. I am going to try to update this more often... but I will no longer apologize for not updating frequently if it doesn't happen. Deal with it! 

Welcome to what I hope is my permanent blog. Apologies for the confusion and thanks again for following me here... 

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